Our Services


MBS Logistic works with some of the biggest vehicle manufacturers in the world. Our ability to tackle their most demanding supply chain challenges has led to long-term sustained relationships. We understand that automotive manufacturing requires specialized logistical management and far-reaching coordination. Our established relationships with the automotive sector’s key Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and tier suppliers around the globe allow us to keep your production high and your costs low.



Whether you operate as a full-service department store, upscale specialty store, brand name bargain operation, or self-service discount store, our team of retail experts can help you find better ways to do business. Identifying opportunities in your retail supply chain


From transporting generators to manufacturing turbines, the needs of industrial networks around the world are complex. If you source parts, supplies, or equipment from international manufacturers, APL Logistics is a prime resource for supply management and optimization. We have the access and expertise to handle specialized transportation needs, ensure reliable delivery, and streamline costs. Our experience in large-scale goods and even larger-scale projects apply to aerospace companies, chemical suppliers, manufacturers, mining, and energy industries around the world.

NOW IS THE TIME! – Get in touch!

MBS Logistic New Jersey Office:
Iselin ,NJ , 08830